Text reads: Sponsor DV Radio Today!

Please read over this page before you apply for sponsorship as everything you need to know is found ON THIS PAGE.

Whether you’re a listener that just wants to pitch in, a business that needs advertising, or you’re just wanting to [possibly] be seen by a few extra people… You cannot BEAT the sponsorship prices for DV Radio.

Outside of the support through merchandise sells, donations from the listeners, and those subscribing to the DV Radio Newsletter, DV Radio’s income comes from the pockets of our hosts and staff. With you and/or your company sponsoring DV Radio, this means that we can grow DV Radio into the DV Radio Network that it should be as well as bring more content, resources, and the help that our Veteran brothers & sisters (and their families) deserve.

As we stress within our shows at DV Radio, your job in the military meant as much as any other job. Without you doing your job, the mission could not have gone forward. This is why each package follows the military theme; no matter how small your support is, it helps DV Radio continue its mission.

To find out more about where your sponsorship dollars will go, please click the “FIND OUT MORE” button.



  1. All sponsorship packages [listed] are for one year. For other sponsorship opportunities or something more customized to meet your needs, please contact us via our contact form here.
  2. DV Radio is NOT a nonprofit which means there is (most likely) no tax deductions for sponsorship. Contact your accountant for more information if you are a business owner.
  3. Percentages shown are the percent of your sponsorship that will go to either DV Farm or the nonprofit (at that present time) DV Radio is supporting.
  4. Audio Adverts will be made, in-house, by DV Radio for your business.
  5. If you “buyout” a tier, you will ONLY get that tier’s perks. If the tier involves a logo spot, the logo will take both spots. All other obligations on behalf of both parties still stand.



DVR Psych Ward


Custom Tier

  • This tier is for those that cannot fit into any of the tiers listed on this page. If you would like to discuss a custom tier package that fits your budget and needs, feel free to click the button and contact us via our contact page when you’re ready!

Custom Pricing

Contact Us

DVR Troops


$Up to $250/Year

*15% to nonprofit

  • Business/Company listed on “Official Sponsors” page
  • Credit scroll at the end of shows on video streams
  • Join the DVR Crew during a show of your choice during year of sponsorship

Up to $250/Year


DVR Support

2 of 2 Available


*15% to nonprofit

  • Business/Company mentioned in all DVR Shows
    [This could be at any point of that show.]
  • Link to your business on ‘Official Sponsors’ page
  • Join the DVR Crew during “special” shows
    [IE: Memorial Day, Veterans Day, etc.
  • Social media post (?)



DVR Infantry

2 of 2 Available


*15% to nonprofit

  • Business/Company logo [small] on ‘Official Sponsors’ page
  • 15 sec. spoken word ad during DVR Shows twice per month
    [This could be at any point of that show.]
  • Social media post (?)
  • Business/Company logo shown 10 minutes BEFORE live stream
  • Pre-Recorded spot in DVR “special” shows
    [IE: Memorial Day, Veterans Day, etc.]
  • NOTE: Adverts include podcast



DVR Mechanic

2 of 2 Available


*25% to nonprofit

  • Business/Company logo [medium] on ‘Official Sponsors’ page
  • 15 sec. ad played during DVR Shows twice per month
    [This could be at any point of that show.]
  • Social media post (?)
  • Business/Company logo shown 5 minutes BEFORE live stream
  • Join the DVR Crew during “special” shows
    [IE: Memorial Day, Veterans Day, etc.]
  • NOTE: Adverts include podcast



DVR Medic

2 of 2 Available


*25% to nonprofit

  • Business/Company logo [large] on ‘Official Sponsors’ page
  • 30 sec. ad played during DVR Shows twice per month
    [This could be at any point of that show.]
  • Social media post (?)
  • Business/Company logo shown DURING live stream
  • Join the DVR Crew during “special” shows
    [IE: Memorial Day, Veterans Day, etc.]
  • NOTE: Adverts include podcast



DVR Fueler

2 of 2 Available


*35% to nonprofit

  • Business/Company logo on front page of this website
  • 60 sec. ad played during DVR Shows [Pre-Roll]
  • Social media post (?)
  • Business/Company site in scroll during live stream
  • Join the DVR Crew during “special” shows
    [IE: Memorial Day, Veterans Day, etc.]
  • NOTE: Adverts include podcast



*The “Social media post (?)” is not specified as this will depend on your needs, wants and platforms used as well as what is going on in the World of DV Radio as there are times that this may not happen due to circumstances beyond our control. We definitely will be posting about your sponsorship for DV Radio but we will not turn into an ADVERTISING social media account or anything of that nature.




♦The 22 A Day (the suicide rate of Veterans) is something we take seriously and will always strive to make [virtually] ZERO. We have the DV Farm as well as Objective Zero that we work with, closely, among other organizations that combat the 22 A Day. After having DV Radio to listen to, if this is not enough, we use these resources among others to turn to for those in need. We will help them, monetarily or otherwise, with some of the funds through sponsorship as we try to do so every so often.

♦Other than what you see listed, DV Radio tries to help Veteran small-businesses, nonprofits, and organizations through the year. Sometimes we help those whose family is in a time of hardship while other times, we donate an amount of money to help them grow. (IE: DV Farm, Change Unchained, Backpacks For Life to name a few.) We also have brothers & sisters that we help when they need it–you may never hear of us helping those individuals but they are our family and we want to see them succeed. There’s times in life that you need a helping hand, sometimes we’re that helping hand and we’re more than proud to help our family.

♦If DV Radio is able to sustain itself with sponsorships, it will grow into much more than what you hear and see. Although we do not care to make money (for ourselves), we would love to pay our staff so that they can quit their daily 9-5 jobs and focus on what matters most—this could be family, growing their own business or nonprofit, or something that they haven’t been able to step into that has been a dream for years. We also have shows that will partake in the use of actors (voice-overs) and we hate asking anybody to do anything for free, your sponsorship can and will go towards their checks as well.

♦There are also times that we help our local communities whether it’s in Alaska, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Florida, Texas, New Hampshire or wherever our staff may reside. It could be a school, a foodbank, a church, or some other local institution that needs help and if we can help make a difference, we most certainly will. All of these, outside of paying DV Radio’s Staff, will always come first and foremost.