Other Podcasts

This page is dedicated to other Veteran, Military, Emergency Responder, and other podcasts/shows from those that are (on some level) taken for granted. The DV Radio Crew listens to these and you should check them out as well! 

 This list is in no particular order.

Check back every so often as more will be added in the near future.

*You may have heard some of the members, individuals, or shows below on DV Radio. If you have but never knew where to go, this is where to find them!*

Are These Affiliates?

None of the links, below, will garnish one cent to DV Radio if you click on them. We simply love to support and showcase others that are the backbone of this beautiful Country.



Why Choose These?

These are the folks that you rarely (if ever) give a second thought to unless they make news headlines. Without these individuals and communities “silently” working every day to make sure you, your loved ones, and this Country are kept safe, America would run just as a Third-World Country.


Can You Add Mine?

This is something we are considering but at the present, these shows/podcasts are DV Radio Crew curated. In the future, we may allow you to submit your show/podcast to be added to this list!



Liberty Risk Podcast




Liberty Risk Podcast is as simple as you can get; Navy Veterans Billy and Hugh are here to share resources and stories to help with your transition! With the same ideals as DV Radio, the remove the politics and religion from their shows to bring you ONLY what you should focus on, the Veterans.


Purple Heart Homes




Having worked with Purple Heart Homes for a few years now, we know these guys are LEGIT! (As the kids say.) You cannot go wrong listening to John Gallina and Brad Borders help veterans with the changes and challenges of life.

 Putting The Pieces Back Together

SGT WarDawg




SGTWarDawg is a Marine and, a true WarDawg. He’s (not only) a part of DV Radio but a Soldier first and foremost. He’s had his trials & tribulations now, he wants to make sure his fellow brothers & sisters get the help they deserve.


Veteran Trash Talk




Veteran Trash Talk Hour podcasts are stories of real warriors dealing with demons on the inside. We are brave enough to share them with our community so we can defeat them together. Our podcasts promote veteran-owned businesses and organizations that support veteran causes. Also, there is plenty of trash talk.

 Veteran Trash Talk

MBR Radio




Having been around for approximately 14 years at the time of this writing, MBR Radio’s motto “Giving Veterans A Voice” rings true when you hear their show line-up. Selfless shows (and hosts) that shed light on Veteran issues, Veteran guests, and so much more are what you get with MBR Radio.

Giving Veterans A Voice


Bullets 2





Bullets 2 Bedpans…. a space for military nurses and medics to speak freely and candidly. And yes, that means inappropriate humor, uncomfortable topics, the good, the bad and the ugly.

Bullets 2 Bedpans


Bulletproof Podcast




Join Ace as she gives the commentary on American society and the human condition with heart and bulletproof grit.

True American Grit

Beyond The Frontline




Beyond the Frontline is a podcast of Coming Home Well Tune in as your hosts, Donna Hoffmeyer and Jay Johnson, both U.S. Air Force veterans, tackle topics relating to transitioning from the Frontline to the Homefront. 

Beyond The Frontline